Private Mentorship Application

My work organically helps women heal from past traumas, break generational cycles of survival mode, and wake the f*ck up from egoic conditioning that has gotten in the way of embodying your innate pleasure, magnetism and authenticity.

My private mentorship is for the women ready to push the edges of how good life gets to be.

Where deluding yourself with the narrative that you can manifest a perfect, problem free life (and getting depressed or anxious when spoiler alert this in fact, does not happen) is a thing of the past - and you instead show up as the ALCHEMIST of your life, taking any problems, hurt, traumas or stress in stride and using it as fuel for your growth and evolution.

I help women who are tired of sacrificing the wellbeing of your body for a paycheck - who are ready to work, receive money and lead from your soul, cracked open to the abundance and alignment that flows when a woman is devoted to her purpose.

What I know to be true is that manifestation is in fact, effortless and innate.

Accessing and staying embodied in your power is actually not something that should require trying really hard.

I believe that women collectively are in fact sick of trying so hard (rightly so), and that there is a better way of being.

The way in which I teach manifestation and guide women to do all that I have stated above is not by getting a picture in your mind of how you want things to be and then putting all your effort into trying to make that happen… but instead, by stripping back and alchemising all that has actually been in the way of you living the holy f*ck life that your soul came to this planet for. Because when you simply show up and BE in this frequency, open and surrendered to receiving from life, it actually gets to be so much better than your wee human mind can currently comprehend.

And isn’t the mystery of that unknown just so, magical?


Fill out the application form below (absolutely no strings attached) and Stormy will be in touch to chat further!

Please only apply if you are serious about making this investment and working with Stormy specifically.

Note that Stormy's current rates are $1499AUD/month for top tier private mentorship.

Stormy is currently at capacity, with all 1:1 coaching spaces filled until September. You can enquire below to be on the waitlist when spots open!

Private Mentorship

My work organically helps women heal from past traumas, break generational cycles of survival mode, and wake the f*ck up from egoic conditioning that has gotten in the way of embodying your innate pleasure, magnetism and authenticity.

My private mentorship is for the women ready to push the edges of how good life gets to be.

Where deluding yourself with the narrative that you can manifest a perfect, problem free life (and getting depressed or anxious when spoiler alert this in fact, does not happen) is a thing of the past - and you instead show up as the ALCHEMIST of your life, taking any problems, hurt, traumas or stress in stride and using it as fuel for your growth and evolution.

I help women who are tired of sacrificing the wellbeing of your body for a paycheck - who are ready to work, receive money and lead from your soul, cracked open to the abundance and alignment that flows when a woman is devoted to her purpose.

What I know to be true is that manifestation is in fact, effortless and innate.

Accessing and staying embodied in your power is actually not something that should require trying really hard.

I believe that women collectively are in fact sick of trying so hard (rightly so), and that there is a better way of being.

The way in which I teach manifestation and guide women to do all that I have stated above is not by getting a picture in your mind of how you want things to be and then putting all your effort into trying to make that happen… but instead, by stripping back and alchemising all that has actually been in the way of you living the holy f*ck life that your soul came to this planet for. Because when you simply show up and BE in this frequency, open and surrendered to receiving from life, it actually gets to be so much better than your wee human mind can currently comprehend.

And isn’t the mystery of that unknown just so, magical?


Fill out the application form below (absolutely no strings attached) and Stormy will be in touch to chat further!Please only apply if you are serious about making this investment and working with Stormy specifically.

Note that Stormy's current rates are $1499AUD/month for top tier private mentorship.

Stormy is currently at capacity, with all 1:1 coaching spaces filled until September. You can enquire below to be on the waitlist when spots open!